Network Security-as-a-Service

Enables Secure Internet Access for enterprise sites and remote workers

Cloud Security for Users and Sites Worldwide

Secucloud Threat Protect is Aryaka's Network Security-as-a-Service establishing a secure perimeter for a distributed enterprise. Securing hybrid workers anywhere is fast and easy with our ready-to-go managed service.


  • " We wanted to consume our network in the same way we consume the cloud, which is an as-a-service model, but at the same time, we wanted to make sure the company we worked with was culturally aligned to who we are and who we want to be. Those are the two core reasons we chose Aryaka."

    - Richard Delisser, Vice President of Global Infrastructure at World Fuel Services

Core Capabilities

Global, Scalable & Flexible

Deployed in 40+ POPs of Aryaka for global pervasive security for hybrid workers from anywhere. Delivered with Co-managed or fully managed options.


URL Filtering with 70+ Web and security categories for safe browsing experience for hybrid workers anywhere.

Content Scanning

SSL decryption and Anti-virus scanning for content inspection of encrypted internet traffic.

User-Identity Awareness

User-identity based policies and reporting for hybrid workers anywhere.

Cloud Firewall

L3/L4 with user-identification delivering Firewall as a service with granular access control.

Real Time Global Threat Intelligence

Constantly updating global threat intelligence data base to keep hybrid workers safe from common threats, malicious destinations and files.


Low operational Complexity

Single network security architecture & solution for enterprise sites and hybrid workers offloads operational complexities to a single managed provider.

Lower TCO

Lower TCO

‘Pay and Scale as you grow’ with a cloud-native managed network security service helps to achieve lower TCO.

Security with Agility

Security with Agility

Our converged networking & security cloud-first architecture, combined with full/co-managed services with integrated support workflow, enables customers to achieve the highest levels of operational agility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is Network Security as a Service?

  2. Network Security-as-a-Service is a solution that establishes a secure perimeter for a distributed enterprise. Securing hybrid workers anywhere is fast and easy with managed network security as a managed service.

  3. What are the benefits of Network Security as a Service?

  4. The key benefits of Network security as a service are operational simplicity, lower cost of ownership, and agility. In addition, a single network security architecture & solution for enterprise sites and hybrid workers offload operational complexities to a single managed provider.


World Fuel Services Case Study

Transforms Network, Enables Secure Hybrid Work and Decreases Network TCO

SASE planning and design guide

SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) Planning and Design Guide

A Dell’Oro Group report that dives into SASE architecture, competitive approaches, and considerations for DIY vs fully-managed and selecting a provider.

Aryaka Threat Protect

Aryaka SWG Datasheet

Aryaka's Secure Web Gateway acts as middle protection for Site-to-Internet and User-to-Internet traffic providing full protection for web and internet-based attacks.