Year: 2023
Achieving High Availability in Your Network with Aryaka’s SD-WAN
Achieving High Availability in Your Network with Aryaka’s SD-WAN
In the digital era, network downtime is not just an inconvenience; it can be highly disruptive or cause an outright business crisis. High availability in network infrastructure has become a paramount necessity for organizations striving to provide[...]
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Maximizing SASE and Zero Trust Performance: The Vital Role of ‘At Scale’ Distributed Enforcement
Maximizing SASE and Zero Trust Performance: The Vital Role of ‘At Scale’ Distributed Enforcement
Network security deployment architectures undergo regular evolution, driven by various enterprise requirements. Some of the Industry recent trends are outlined below: Minimizing the cost & maintenance burden associated with disparate and multiple network security systems. Implementing a[...]
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Navigating the Complex World of Global Connectivity with Aryaka’s SmartConnect
Navigating the Complex World of Global Connectivity with Aryaka’s SmartConnect
In today’s fast-paced business environment, reliable and cost-effective connectivity is a necessity. Companies are facing an array of challenges in maintaining a reliable and efficient network with legacy WAN infrastructure, especially on a global level. The complexity[...]
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Choosing the Unified SASE Provider: The Execution Isolation Factor
Choosing the Unified SASE Provider: The Execution Isolation Factor
Shared Processes for Packet-level Security Technologies Networking and security technologies at the packet level, such as stateful inspection firewalls, IPSEC, and load balancing, impose lower computational demands in terms of the number of CPU cycles required for[...]
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It’s a wrap! Summer Internships: Empowered by Aryaka Mentors and Interns
It’s a wrap! Summer Internships: Empowered by Aryaka Mentors and Interns
“In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn.” – Phil Collins I have vivid recollections of my initial foray into the industry during my internship at Cisco. It provided me with a chance to[...]
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Cybersecurity Chronicles: My Aryaka Internship Experience
Cybersecurity Chronicles: My Aryaka Internship Experience
I am a freshman at Santa Clara University, studying Computer Science and Computer Engineering. I began my internship at Aryaka fresh out of high school, unaware of what the next three months would bring. I have always[...]
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Thwart Security Risks with Comprehensive IDPS in Unified SASE
Thwart Security Risks with Comprehensive IDPS in Unified SASE
Within the realm of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), the integration of Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) is almost universal. Its role extends beyond merely thwarting known exploits, it serves as a vigilant sentinel for IOC[...]
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Forrester Total Economic Impact<sup>TM</sup> Study Attributed 113% ROI for Aryaka SD-WAN & SASE Services
Forrester Total Economic ImpactTM Study Attributed 113% ROI for Aryaka SD-WAN & SASE Services
Businesses’ desire for efficiency is the key motivating factor encouraging the adoption of innovative technologies. Recently, I read the stat that said two thirds of businesses cite the need to increase efficiency and productivity as a primary[...]
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Make Security Simple: Streamline Policies in Unified SASE<h5><i>Balancing Configuration and Control is critical for reducing security risks and management complexity</i></h5>
Make Security Simple: Streamline Policies in Unified SASE
Balancing Configuration and Control is critical for reducing security risks and management complexity
The Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) service, along with its associated architecture, comprises a powerful amalgamation of multiple security components. These include a stateful inspection firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS), DNS security, DoS/DDoS protection, Secure[...]
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Meet the Aryaka Intern: Manomay Narasimha
Meet the Aryaka Intern: Manomay Narasimha
I am a rising junior at San Jose State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. At the end of my second year, I got an excellent opportunity to intern at[...]
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Unified SASE empowers Observability with Precision
Unified SASE empowers Observability with Precision
Quoting Wikipedia, “observability” originates from control theory, which measures how well a system’s state can be determined from its outputs. Similarly, in software, observability refers to how well we can understand a system’s state from the obtained[...]
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Enhancing SaaS Security: Next-Gen ZTNA for Authentication & Authorization
Enhancing SaaS Security: Next-Gen ZTNA for Authentication & Authorization
Authentication & Authorization comes in various colors The Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) component of SASE is designed to provide secure inbound access to enterprise private applications. In line with the core principle of identity-based access control[...]
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