Year: 2015
Old content delivery technology doesn’t cut it for today’s shopping
Whether it’s the holiday season or not, shoppers expect websites to serve up product information, shopping carts, and payment processes fast. But traditional content delivery networks are not up for the task. This is because today’s shopping[...]
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How an Agile Network Helps You Own the Globe
For companies that rely on making real-time information available across globally distributed offices, agility can be a major concern. 1) They want to connect remote offices quickly, and 2) They want a fast, reliable network. So, why[...]
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We partnered with AVANT … Three Reasons You Should Too
At Aryaka, we’re disrupting the enterprise WAN market with our software-defined, ultra-optimized, multi-tenant private WAN as-a-Service. As a company that provides next-generation, cloud-based networks to global businesses, we are partnering with strategic, cloud-ready partners who understand the[...]
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What AVANT has to say about WAN as-a-Service
Our friends at AVANT, the nation’s premier distributor of next generation technologies in communications and IT infrastructure, recently published a blog post that reveals the benefits of WAN delivered as a service. They talk about how today’s[...]
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CXO Insights: Can your CDN handle a Cloud based Web Application?
Content Delivery Networks have been around for almost two decades now. And their primary goal has almost always been the same—to deliver web resources faster to global end users. In the 90s, websites used to be a collection of static images and text. The legacy CDNs[...]
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What Microsoft’s recent Earnings Release means for enterprise networking
In their recently published Earnings Release for FY15 Q4, Microsoft announced that their commercial cloud revenue grew by 88%. The growth was driven by Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics CRM Online, and their commercial cloud business is[...]
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WANs sing the blues
They call it stormy Monday, but Tuesday’s just as bad They call it stormy Monday, but Tuesday’s just as bad Lord and Wednesday’s worse, Thursday’s oh so sad…    I’m sure most IT administrators can relate to these[...]
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The State of the Global Enterprise WAN: Want to increase productivity? Lose the public Internet.
Rarely will you come across a CIO, IT Director, Network Architect, or Network Manager who does not complain about network problems, and most of their complaints, whether they know it or not, are actually about the middle[...]
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Are you losing prospects because your website is slow?
Picture this: One of your company’s potential customers types in your web address and hits enter. From that moment on, a timer starts ticking in his (or her) head. And it’s a short timer at that –[...]
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The State of the Global Enterprise WAN 2015: 5 Trends for CIOs and Network Managers to Watch
Last week, we released our State of the Enterprise WAN Report 2015. This year’s report investigates key factors impacting the evolution of the enterprise WAN, including the ongoing migration of applications to the cloud, the limitations of[...]
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The State of the Enterprise WAN 2015
Aryaka finds that the public Internet is not ready to support mission-critical enterprise traffic The State of the Enterprise WAN in 2015 is mixed. While certain components of the enterprise WAN are improving, other factors are actually[...]
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The antidote to vendor-lock: Shared Success
Most people do not trust sales professionals. In my line of business, we deal directly with CIOs, Network and IT Directors, and Application Managers. In my conversations with them, they express how suspicious they are of vendors that[...]
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