Year: 2015
WANnovation at Aryaka – Software Defined Networking and Virtualized Network Functions
In the past couple of years, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) have taken the networking industry by storm, and every vendor and service provider wants to stake their claim in these emerging spaces.[...]
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How Telcos are Making Internet Congestion Worse
People like to compare the Internet to highway systems, and in many respects the comparison works. For instance, commuter highway traffic congestion is here to stay, and that’s probably true for Internet traffic, as well, but that’s[...]
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With new funding, we’re disrupting enterprise networking for good
We have exciting news to share today: Aryaka has raised $16 million in new funding from top-tier Venture Capital firms Nexus Venture Partners (lead), Trinity Ventures, InterWest Partners, Mohr Davidow Ventures, and Presidio Ventures. Our new funding[...]
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The Great Enterprise Cloud Migration – Are you being left behind?
Just how big is the migration away from on-premises applications and to cloud computing? It’s a large enough stampede that it’s happening on its own spontaneously, without much planning and often outside of the control, and even[...]
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What your CDN provider doesn’t want you to know…
Content Delivery Networks have been around for almost 20 years now. Depending on how you look at it, that fact could be a good thing or a bad thing. The good: it’s a tested and proven technology.[...]
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SaaS Sidekicks and how they enhance product value
Remember Batman and Robin? Of course you do. Every person who’s ever owned a television or read comics most likely knows Batman and Robin. Together, the team solved innumerable cases and successfully got through many close calls against[...]
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