Author: davidnuti
3 Secrets You Won’t Hear From MPLS Providers
There is an optimum solution for today’s cloud-fueled, mobile world, but MPLS providers aren’t interested in telling you what it is. Cassette tapes. Flip-phones. Fax Machines. And now, MPLS. Decades ago, MPLS was the gold standard in[...]
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Global Application Performance is within Reach: A Tale of Three Successful Enterprises
Today’s corporate networks look like a bowl of spaghetti. They’re made up of headquarters, branch offices, private datacenters, cloud platforms, SaaS apps, centrally hosted applications, multiple MPLS providers, and appliances. These constructs are complicated to say the[...]
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4 Insights on MPLS Alternatives CIOs Need to Know
What’s the best alternative to MPLS? Last week I co-hosted a webinar with Scott Raynovich, Principal Analyst at Futuriom Research, to answer this in full detail. It was great to be able to provide insights to a[...]
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MPLS is on Life Support: A Case for Pulling the Plug
For years we’ve been predicting and enabling the transition of enterprise networking away from legacy MPLS. With major telcos like AT&T, CenturyLink, Verizon, and others, partnering with SD-WAN vendors to offer their own version of the solution,[...]
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