Author: mouliradhakrishnan
Skype for business…a recipe for stress or success?
Skype for Business with a Legacy Network Skype for Business with a Global SD-WAN Skype for Business lets you collaborate with anyone, anywhere, on any device, with the security and control of Microsoft. But, when WANs cause[...]
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The Difference between SD-WAN and CDN
The Difference between SD-WAN and CDN
Sometimes there is confusion between what a Software Defined-WAN (SD-WAN) does and what a Content Distribution Network (CDN) can do.  After all, both are used to speed up the performance of applications, but for two different areas.[...]
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Hype vs Reality: Top 5 SD-WAN Myths Busted!
Most of what’s written about SD-WAN discusses the technology’s potential to transform network connectivity by making networks more agile, flexible, and cost-effective for both enterprises and service providers. The truth is, while this technology delivers many benefits[...]
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Thinking Different with Your Office 365 Deployment
Abstracting our applications into the cloud has made it easier for IT to distribute, manage, and update software for the global enterprise – but the simplicity of the technology does not come without caveats. With applications moving[...]
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How Aryaka Makes an Impact on the Remote and Mobile Workforce
Recently, 451 Research, took a look at Aryaka’s SmartACCESS, the first clientless SD-WAN for the remote and mobile workforce, and offered its take on the solution. Optimizing Application Performance over VPN Remote access has, historically, been a[...]
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3 Tips for Successful Office 365 Deployment for a Global Workforce
When global enterprises need 24/7 access to a SaaS product like Microsoft Office 365, a missed moment can make a massive difference to the bottom line. Office 365 is one of the most popular tools for global[...]
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Latency and Application Performance: Are They Mutually Exclusive?
As principal architect at Aryaka, I meet with the IT teams of potential customers for in-depth discussions about how to enhance their global application performance and deliver a seamless user experience to their employees around the world.[...]
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