Author: robertmeyer
SD WAN Pros and Cons: Which Deployment is Right for You?
SD WAN Pros and Cons: Which Deployment is Right for You?
How many branches does your company have? Maybe it’s a handful, or maybe it’s dozens of offices around the world. No matter what the answer is, chances are at least some of your users’ internet traffic is[...]
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IT Leaders: Does Your Organization Need SD-WAN?
Our last post covered what a software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) is and what the market for them looks like moving forward. That leaves two big questions for you as an IT leader — “Is SD-WAN right for[...]
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Global SD-WAN vs Regional SD-WAN & Why Choose global WAN?
Global SD-WAN vs Regional SD-WAN & Why Choose global WAN?
Regional SD-WAN Over Internet Global SD-WAN Over Private Networks Software Defined-Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) are just what the doctor ordered to solve connectivity issues for global locations, but not all SD-WAN tools can adequately address global needs.[...]
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SD-WAN Basics: What You Need to Know About the Growing Market
What are the top concerns for most organization leaders? Time and Money. However, you might not realize how much your network can impact both of those things. Enterprise wide-area networks (WAN) are the digital foundation of every[...]
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Can I Get an SD-WAN for My Enterprise? One with An Application Delivery Network?
Can I Get an SD-WAN for My Enterprise? One with An Application Delivery Network?
Many enterprises want the benefits of SD-WAN– application awareness and performance, cloud connectivity, an economical way to add bandwidth, end-to-end visibility, and then some. But few want the headache of piecing it all together: multiple providers, MPLS,[...]
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How Aryaka Optimizes WAN Traffic with Fewer Application Acceleration Proxies
In my last blog, I discussed why application proxies are becoming less frequently used in the WAN Optimization space today. To recap, the NUMBER ONE reason that technology has largely moved away from the “Layer-7 Proxy” model[...]
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5 Reasons Why WAN Optimization Has Evolved Beyond Application Proxies
Understanding Application Proxies An Application Proxy was a piece of software that was inserted into the middle of an application data stream (generally operating between layers 4 -7 of the OSI model) as a shim to “fix”[...]
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