Author: Shashi Kiran
Announcing the 6th annual edition of the Aryaka Global State of the WAN<br><span>Inputs from 1600 Enterprise decision makers globally</span>
Announcing the 6th annual edition of the Aryaka Global State of the WAN
Inputs from 1600 Enterprise decision makers globally
Today, we are thrilled to release the sixth annual edition of the Aryaka Global State of the WAN (SOTW) survey. It is a report packed with insights from more than 1600 decision makers, drawn from enterprises all[...]
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Aryaka’s SD-WAN and SASE solutions – What’s new and why should you care?
Aryaka’s SD-WAN and SASE solutions – What’s new and why should you care?
Today Aryaka announced several new innovations that set the stage for the next year and more. These address the growth mandates that CEOs are aiming for, while dealing with unprecedented change, the pace of which has been[...]
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A New Breakthrough Experience is Coming
A New Breakthrough Experience is Coming
This December 7th, prepare for something BIG from Aryaka. Big for our clients, our partners and our industry. What we’re preparing to announce is all about breaking the status quo and continuing to set the highest bar[...]
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Hybrid Workplaces and the Gen Z workforce: Podcast featuring UPL Ltd.
Hybrid Workplaces and the Gen Z workforce: Podcast featuring UPL Ltd.
The world demands food in various forms. Sustainable agriculture is the way to get it. UPL Limited, formerly United Phosphorous, has made it their mission to be a premier global provider of total crop solutions designed to[...]
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Culture and Connectivity as keys to success – Podcast featuring PvG Global
Culture and Connectivity as keys to success – Podcast featuring PvG Global
A 60-year young company with a rich history that was founded, formed and created on a belief that there was a better way to administer benefits at a lower cost without sacrificing quality. That is ProView Global[...]
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Why we acquired Secucloud, and what does it mean for our customers?
Why we acquired Secucloud, and what does it mean for our customers?
Today, we announced the acquisition of Secucloud, GmbH, an innovative security technology company, based in Germany. This is Aryaka’s first acquisition in the history of our company, and I would like to provide some additional context on[...]
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Cloud-First Architecture Trends For SD-WAN And SASE Deployments
Cloud-First Architecture Trends For SD-WAN And SASE Deployments
CMO at Aryaka Networks. Advisory Board member for the Fabric, Ushur, TrueLark, various startups. Former global marketing leader at Cisco. Recently, I was asked to share some thoughts on the wide-area network (WAN), and in particular, trends on[...]
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Year in Perspective – Twenty notable Initiatives of 2020 (20/20)
Year in Perspective – Twenty notable Initiatives of 2020 (20/20)
2020 was a notable year in many ways for all, and it was no exception for Aryaka. As we begin the new year, it is also a good time to reflect and take pride on the accomplishments[...]
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Enabling a Hybrid Workplace for the “Anywhere” worker
Enabling a Hybrid Workplace for the “Anywhere” worker
The Brave New Workplace The workplace is fast evolving. The onset of Covid-19 rapidly accelerated the evolution of the workplace for enterprises in a manner that, in normal times, would almost be construed as disruptive. Enterprise CIOs[...]
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What are the key differentiators between traditional telecom network solutions and cloud-first WAN?
What are the key differentiators between traditional telecom network solutions and cloud-first WAN?
What are the key differentiators between traditional telecom network solutions and cloud-first WAN? Traditional networks were not built for rapid change and were meant primarily for static environments. Traditional WAN solutions with MPLS brought in predictable network[...]
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What CIOs Can Do To Plan For The Post-Pandemic Workplace
What CIOs Can Do To Plan For The Post-Pandemic Workplace
It is often said that work is not a place you go to but what you do. The pandemic has put a spotlight on all forms of work that can be done from anywhere other than the[...]
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A Few Thoughts about SASE
A Few Thoughts about SASE
What is SASE from an enterprise’s standpoint? Most enterprises don’t necessarily resonate with the buzzword yet, but can identify with the target architecture that a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution, wants to bring about as a[...]
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