Author: jigruparel
XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize
XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize
Starting with some perspective on the market, it is predicted that by 2020, 83% of all enterprise applications will be in the cloud. This isn’t surprising – in 2018, 50% of traffic on Aryaka was cloud and[...]
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Freight company wins, wins and wins again with SD-WAN service
Freight company wins, wins and wins again with SD-WAN service
Mark Baker, the former CIO of JAS Forwarding Worldwide, a recognized leader in global freight forwarding and logistics, found a network solution to support his company’s effort to consolidate and centralize its global ERP resources, and then[...]
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Chemical Company Solves Knotty Network Problem with a Global SD-WAN Service
Chemical Company Solves Knotty Network Problem with a Global SD-WAN Service
Platform Specialty Products (PSP), now Element Solutions, grew through acquisition and the process left the company with a global network pieced together with inherited parts that was complex, hard to manage and had begun to limit options[...]
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CIO of Semiconductor Company Solves Critical Network Problem Using a Fully Managed SD-WAN Service
CIO of Semiconductor Company Solves Critical Network Problem Using a Fully Managed SD-WAN Service
Kenny Gilbert, CIO of TDK InvenSense, hadn’t been on the job for more than a few weeks when employees started lining up at his door to complain about the performance of the company’s wide area network. TDK[...]
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5 Ways to Manage Network Complexity with a Network and Application Visibility Portal
5 Ways to Manage Network Complexity with a Network and Application Visibility Portal
Compared to what typical enterprise network architectures looked like a decade or so ago, current global WAN deployments are like a complicated maze and continue to increase in complexity. What used to be a simple hub and[...]
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How SD-WAN as a Service Overcomes MPLS Limitations
How SD-WAN as a Service Overcomes MPLS Limitations
Although MPLS has served the enterprise well for years, it can no longer adequately meet the demands of global enterprises. Over 50% of enterprise WAN traffic now involves cloud. MPLS was designed before the cloud era, for[...]
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SD-WAN: Key considerations for Enterprise Digital Transformation
SD-WAN: Key considerations for Enterprise Digital Transformation
With nearly every business-critical application and resource migrating to the cloud, legacy wide area networks are straining to support rapidly evolving corporate requirements. IT has been trying to accommodate using a mix of disparate point solutions that[...]
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SD-WAN Best Practices for Mergers and Acquisitions: <br/><span style='font-size: 85%;text-transform: none;letter-spacing: normal;'>How One Global Chemical Company Deployed 190 Sites in 4 Months</span>
SD-WAN Best Practices for Mergers and Acquisitions:
How One Global Chemical Company Deployed 190 Sites in 4 Months
Mergers and acquisitions often leave global enterprises with managing a complex network built with a myriad of solutions and providers. Learn how Platform Specialty Products deployed a single global private network to 190 sites in four months,[...]
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How Global SD-WAN Improves Video and Voice Performance Worldwide
Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is an increasingly popular way to bundle the most critical communications and collaboration tools into one full-function platform, but if you have used UCaaS to support customers and partners overseas, chances[...]
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How SD-WAN Can Improve Office 365 Application Performance 20x
When Platform Specialty Products Corp. decided to go all-in with cloud computing, the company recognized it needed a modern WAN to support the new architecture. After reviewing the available options, settled on a global SD-WAN from Aryaka[...]
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Improve UCaaS Performance and Stop Dropped Calls with Global SD-WAN
How many times have you been in a business meeting and suddenly, your call drops? Or you are on a conference call and your voice lags? You can probably count it on more than one hand. In[...]
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