Author: sindhujakolluru
Office 365 Slow Performance: Why Your Network is to Blame & How to Fix It?
Office 365 Slow Performance: Why Your Network is to Blame & How to Fix It?
  I stumbled across an article the other day that perfectly captures the frustration employees around the globe experience with digital transformation, especially as productivity applications move to the cloud: “Why your Office 365 apps may be[...]
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Are SaaS Cloud Applications Slowing You Down?
When it comes to productivity in today’s global business environment, every second counts. If your employees can check Twitter, order lunch, and buy something from Amazon in the time it takes to run a report, then slow[...]
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Migrating to Azure? The network is critical to deployment success
Microsoft enterprise customers are migrating to the company’s Azure cloud computing platform in droves, with the company reporting 98% year-over-year revenue growth in its second fiscal quarter of 2018. The appeal is clear. Enterprise shops want to[...]
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Three Benefits to Managed SD-WAN with MyAryaka Portal
Three Benefits to Managed SD-WAN with MyAryaka Portal
IT Infrastructure and Operations leaders responsible for Network and Application performance need deeper and complete visibility in real-time to ensure that both are performing at optimal levels. Enterprise network architectures today are complex with globally distributed branch[...]
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CIOs: Is the Cloud driving you Crazy?
CIOs: Is the Cloud driving you Crazy?
Today’s CIOs face a number of heavy demands in building and managing a network for their global employees. Enabling workers to access cloud applications from anywhere, any time, on any device can be a difficult balancing act[...]
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SD-WAN Deployments: What Global Enterprises Must Consider
SD-WAN Deployments: What Global Enterprises Must Consider
SD-WAN has been touted as the leading technology to help drive global enterprises through their digital transformation initiatives. And nearly every network vendor on the market today has their own flavor of SD-WAN vying to improve application[...]
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SD-WAN Security Best Practices for Multi-Cloud Connectivity
SD-WAN Security Best Practices for Multi-Cloud Connectivity
Cloud platforms and SaaS applications have created more connections across diverse locations, and global enterprises are finding that they require a defense in depth security strategy to protect their digital resources. So what strategies using SD-WAN can[...]
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Is SD-WAN Ready for Global Deployments?
The Internet is not your corporate WAN. Sounds simple, right? But it’s something that many organizations still struggle to understand and move past when it comes to network connectivity. Mouli Radhakrishnan, Aryaka’s Senior Director of Product Management,[...]
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