Cloud-First Architecture Trends For SD-WAN And SASE Deployments
Cloud-First Architecture Trends For SD-WAN And SASE Deployments

CMO at Aryaka Networks. Advisory Board member for the Fabric, Ushur, TrueLark, various startups. Former global marketing leader at Cisco. Recently, I was asked to share some thoughts on the wide-area network (WAN), and in particular, trends on software-defined WANs (SD-WANs) and emerging concepts like secure access service edge (SASE). While this may appear like gobbledegook […]

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Year in Perspective – Twenty notable Initiatives of 2020 (20/20)
Year in Perspective – Twenty notable Initiatives of 2020 (20/20)

2020 was a notable year in many ways for all, and it was no exception for Aryaka. As we begin the new year, it is also a good time to reflect and take pride on the accomplishments of the past year, learn from new ventures, and re-apply ourselves to the next set of challenges and […]

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A Path Forward for CIOs:  Gartner on Architecting Internet Performance and Aryaka’s Cloud-First WAN as an Optimal Solution
A Path Forward for CIOs: Gartner on Architecting Internet Performance and Aryaka’s Cloud-First WAN as an Optimal Solution

Recently, Gartner published a foundational document on optimizing internet performance (How to Architect Your Network to Optimize Internet Performance and Reliability, Published 29 December 2020 – ID G00731192).  Many of you may have access to this.  Why I say foundational is that it ties together many of the themes that are top-of-mind for CIOs and […]

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How service level agreements can ensure real uptime
How service level agreements can ensure real uptime

Large telcos and networking vendors have long used service level agreements (SLAs) to overpromise and underdeliver, leaving customers with serious service issues and substandard connectivity. Vendors are, of course, obliged to fulfil any agreement they make with a customer, but the telecoms industry has often left its clients befuddled by the terms of the agreement. […]

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What CIOs Can Do To Plan For The Post-Pandemic Workplace
What CIOs Can Do To Plan For The Post-Pandemic Workplace

It is often said that work is not a place you go to but what you do. The pandemic has put a spotlight on all forms of work that can be done from anywhere other than the traditional office environment and forced a rethink of hybrid workplaces. Almost no industry is immune from the change […]

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Demystifying NFV: Do We Know What We Have?
Demystifying NFV: Do We Know What We Have?

Have you ever had a chance to peek into a mountain climber’s backpack? You will find a whole gamut of gear ranging from carabiners and quickdraws, ropes, helmets, harnesses, nut tools, belay, and other protection devices. We’re talking tools that weigh anywhere between 20-30 pounds. Now, imaging scaling treacherous mountain roads with a bagful of […]

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How 2020 Changed Manufacturing IT Priorities
How 2020 Changed Manufacturing IT Priorities

The Covid-19 pandemic has been raging since March this year. It has caused disruptions in several sectors, but none more so than the manufacturing industry. Supply chain disruptions, remote user upsurge, and fluctuations in the sales channels are just some of the problems faced by this sector. Senior executives seek answers to questions like – […]

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Alibaba Cloud Partners with Aryaka
Alibaba Cloud Partners with Aryaka

APAC’s and China’s #1 Cloud Provider comes together with the World’s Best Managed SD-WAN provider to deliver seamless global connectivity. We’re excited to announce our latest partnership, one that will redefine cloud access for enterprises globally and accelerate Digital Transformation initiatives. This partnership enables customers across Asia Pacific and in China to extend their reach […]

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Re-writing the rules of BCP for the new world!
Re-writing the rules of BCP for the new world!

Business Continuity, an organization’s ability to deliver critical functions during and after a disaster has occurred, is at the core of Aryaka’s offering, ensuring that from a customer’s perspective, it is Business As Usual (BAU). Ultimately our customers rely on us to keep their network up and running; it’s both our commitment and promise to […]

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6 WAN Insights: How The Global Pandemic Changes Enterprise Traffic Patterns
6 WAN Insights: How The Global Pandemic Changes Enterprise Traffic Patterns

As a product manager at Aryaka, I have a massive data lake of WAN usage statistics from hundreds of organizations around the world at my fingertips. A quick analysis of these WAN usage statistics has given me a better insight into how work, as well as enterprise network-traffic-patterns, are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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Shift Gears on UCaaS with Aryaka SD-WAN as-a-Service
Shift Gears on UCaaS with Aryaka SD-WAN as-a-Service

What makes Unified Communications as a service, or UCaaS as it is more popularly known, such a no-brainer for industries worldwide? To answer that question; imagine a day with all your communication channels down. No voice/ video calls, no emails, no file sharing and absolutely zero collaboration. I call it…Vacation! But on a more serious […]

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The thing about Cloud-First WAN – What you need to know
The thing about Cloud-First WAN – What you need to know

Today we are announcing a major refresh and expansion of the Aryaka managed SD-WAN portfolio designed to meet the needs of the Cloud-First enterprise. The new offerings cover areas of connectivity, application acceleration, cloud, security and analytics, all brought together seamlessly, and “as-a-service”. We’re calling this the Cloud-First WAN. The philosophy of the Cloud-First WAN […]

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