Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India
Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India

The world has become much smaller in the past few decades thanks to globalization. Globalization has long been a core driver for digital transformation for enterprises. Connecting offices, factories, and supply chains needs a digital-first mindset and infrastructure. With the pandemic’s end officially declared by the WHO [1] and the reopening of China, recent data […]

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How to Accelerate Remote Access with CDN Technology

The enterprise ecosystem has become exceedingly global and mobile over time, while the need for collaboration is stronger than ever. Partners, suppliers and customers have become a part of an integrated supply chain that needs access to these centrally hosted applications from anywhere in the world. As a result, client server access and WAN needs […]

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Hate Your VPN?  <br/>How to Improve Application Performance for the Remote and Mobile Workforce
Hate Your VPN?
How to Improve Application Performance for the Remote and Mobile Workforce

Clunky, unreliable, and slow remote access options, like VPN, are the necessary evil that IT administrators love to hate. This vital piece of the corporate puzzle helps keep your information secure and your global remote and mobile workforce in sync. However, it also creates headaches – and high costs – for teams that want to […]

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6 Tips for Choosing a Content Delivery Network
6 Tips for Choosing a Content Delivery Network

How many times have you heard that content is king? If you’re in the content creation business, probably more times than you care to remember. But if you can’t get your content to your audience in a timely fashion, your king has just been dethroned. For IT organizations, content is more than just a viral […]

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5 Reasons SD-WAN is Critical for Global Airlines like Air China

Industry experts believe that old legacy systems are unable to handle the exponential surge in passenger volume, fleet sizes, along with increasing customer expectations and global expansion of airline companies. For the airlines industry, the importance of global network connectivity ranges from business- to mission-critical. When network connectivity is lost or application performance is impacted, […]

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The Difference between SD-WAN and CDN
The Difference between SD-WAN and CDN

Sometimes there is confusion between what a Software Defined-WAN (SD-WAN) does and what a Content Distribution Network (CDN) can do.  After all, both are used to speed up the performance of applications, but for two different areas. The simple answer: SD-WANs are typically used by enterprises to ensure employees get optimal performance when accessing corporate […]

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6 WAN Insights: How The Global Pandemic Changes Enterprise Traffic Patterns
6 WAN Insights: How The Global Pandemic Changes Enterprise Traffic Patterns

As a product manager at Aryaka, I have a massive data lake of WAN usage statistics from hundreds of organizations around the world at my fingertips. A quick analysis of these WAN usage statistics has given me a better insight into how work, as well as enterprise network-traffic-patterns, are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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3 Reasons to consider Aryaka’s SmartCDN for your Global Business

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) market continues to evolve as new technologies and startups force change upon the landscape, and it seems there is no end in sight to the disruptions. Startups are introducing new ways of using innovative cloud-based architectures and challenging legacy technologies to conduct business cheaper and faster. Additionally, technology sectors such […]

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Big Red and Big Teal:  Aryaka Oracle Cloud Integration
Big Red and Big Teal: Aryaka Oracle Cloud Integration

As part of our global managed SD-WAN service, ‘pre-wired’ multi-cloud connectivity is one of the linchpins of our offering.  This permits our customers to access IaaS/PaaS/SaaS via our SLA-driven private backbone for mission-critical applications, as opposed to relying on the public internet that doesn’t offer end-to-end QoS guarantees.  The Oracle Cloud, offering some unique capabilities, […]

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