Survey Says: Customers Select Aryaka for the Performance, Stay for the Flexibility
Survey Says: Customers Select Aryaka for the Performance, Stay for the Flexibility

In a recent customer survey conducted in partnership with third-party research firm TechValidate, we sought to get a deeper understanding of our customers – why they first selected Aryaka and how, as these organizations continue to grow, change and meet new challenges, they continue to find value in Aryaka. First, it’s no surprise that the […]

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6 WAN Insights: How The Global Pandemic Changes Enterprise Traffic Patterns
6 WAN Insights: How The Global Pandemic Changes Enterprise Traffic Patterns

As a product manager at Aryaka, I have a massive data lake of WAN usage statistics from hundreds of organizations around the world at my fingertips. A quick analysis of these WAN usage statistics has given me a better insight into how work, as well as enterprise network-traffic-patterns, are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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Three Ways to Improve Availability of First Mile and Last Mile Over the Internet
Three Ways to Improve Availability of First Mile and Last Mile Over the Internet

The Internet as transport is becoming popular for the first and last mile enterprise WAN connectivity. The significant factors motivating this transition are the cost of MPLS circuits, the improving quality of broadband internet links, and the emergence of cloud architectures and applications. Source: NCTA – The Internet & Television Association According to NCTA – The Internet […]

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Big Red and Big Teal:  Aryaka Oracle Cloud Integration
Big Red and Big Teal: Aryaka Oracle Cloud Integration

As part of our global managed SD-WAN service, ‘pre-wired’ multi-cloud connectivity is one of the linchpins of our offering.  This permits our customers to access IaaS/PaaS/SaaS via our SLA-driven private backbone for mission-critical applications, as opposed to relying on the public internet that doesn’t offer end-to-end QoS guarantees.  The Oracle Cloud, offering some unique capabilities, […]

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Aryaka SmartLINK: Intelligent Resiliency for the last-mile
Aryaka SmartLINK: Intelligent Resiliency for the last-mile

While internet performance has steadily improved in many regions, many enterprises still shy away from entirely replacing their MPLS WAN infrastructures with more cost-efficient internet links. Internet is then most often just used to offload non-critical applications to save MPLS bandwidth for business-critical traffic that benefits from deterministic QoS and/or the perceived security advantage of […]

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Unlock Operational Efficiency with Aryaka Last Mile Procurement and Management
Unlock Operational Efficiency with Aryaka Last Mile Procurement and Management

60 billion dollars. That is how much enterprises spend (waste?) on network operations. In a study McKinsey conducted in 2017, it was concluded that a lot of that cost is caused by many time-intensive, manual tasks involved in networking operations: configuration, trouble-shooting, link procurement and many more. Let’s also remind ourselves that in computing, none […]

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