Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India
Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India

The world has become much smaller in the past few decades thanks to globalization. Globalization has long been a core driver for digital transformation for enterprises. Connecting offices, factories, and supply chains needs a digital-first mindset and infrastructure. With the pandemic’s end officially declared by the WHO [1] and the reopening of China, recent data […]

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Skype for business…a recipe for stress or success?

Skype for Business with a Legacy Network Skype for Business with a Global SD-WAN Skype for Business lets you collaborate with anyone, anywhere, on any device, with the security and control of Microsoft. But, when WANs cause poor voice quality and frequent disconnects, there are some things you won’t be able to do with Skype […]

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What is an Enterprise VPN & How to Select the Right VPN for Your Enterprise?
What is an Enterprise VPN & How to Select the Right VPN for Your Enterprise?

Hailed as a panacea for all things pandemic, Work from Home (WFH) has struck a chord with many of you. More so with the tech industry, where the idea of “work” was to ceremoniously dress up each morning and spend a good chunk of time sitting in a brick-and-mortar office or in traffic. While the […]

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Creating a Unparalleled UCaaS Experience with Fuze and Aryaka
Creating a Unparalleled UCaaS Experience with Fuze and Aryaka

Every industry is undergoing a rapid transformation of digital operation. And with more employees working from virtually anywhere, online meetings and communication tools facilitating collaboration have become essential. There are plenty of studies available that show the growth in usage and users’ expectations for communication and collaboration tools. Aryaka’s State of the WAN 2021 Infographic provides a […]

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Office 365 Slow Performance: Why Your Network is to Blame & How to Fix It?
Office 365 Slow Performance: Why Your Network is to Blame & How to Fix It?

  I stumbled across an article the other day that perfectly captures the frustration employees around the globe experience with digital transformation, especially as productivity applications move to the cloud: “Why your Office 365 apps may be running ‘so darn slow’.” Office 365 Slow Performance Office 365 performance issues is all too common these days. […]

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Five Key Considerations When Using SD-WAN to Accelerate Office 365
Five Key Considerations When Using SD-WAN to Accelerate Office 365

Enterprises migrating to Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud-based offerings are learning the hard way that application performance varies wildly when end users are dispersed around the globe. Microsoft reports that more than 50% of its commercial Office customers are now in the cloud, and the company expects that number to jump to two-thirds this year. But global […]

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Are SaaS Cloud Applications Slowing You Down?

When it comes to productivity in today’s global business environment, every second counts. If your employees can check Twitter, order lunch, and buy something from Amazon in the time it takes to run a report, then slow cloud or SaaS application is hurting your business. A recent study on mobile and data management found that […]

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How CIOs Solve Office 365 Performance Woes with a Global SD-WAN Service
How CIOs Solve Office 365 Performance Woes with a Global SD-WAN Service

City & Guilds Group’s CIO Alan Crawford had a global problem on his hands. Employees in a newly acquired company in New Zealand were having difficulty using the organization’s Microsoft Office 365 service that employees used to collaborate. Collaboration is central to the $195 million firm, which offers training and skills development to education providers, governments, […]

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SD-WAN Solutions for Office 365 Application Performance
SD-WAN Solutions for Office 365 Application Performance

After an acquisition, IT puts a priority on getting new team members onboard so they can collaborate with peers, but that can be a challenge with international concerns, especially when it comes to sharing cloud resources. That was the hard lesson learned by City & Guilds Group, the global leader in elearning, offering everything from […]

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Is your Salesforce Slow? — Here’s How You Can Solve IT!

Salesforce is one of the first applications that’s extended to new offices when U.S. companies expand into global locations, such as China. However, slow application performance often limits adoption and usage, thus negatively impacting business execution for newly opened branches. “China sales reps weren’t updating Salesforce data until after the deals closed because it was […]

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Choosing the Right SD-WAN for Your SaaS Connectivity

When Marc Benioff first came up with the idea of offering Salesforce.com as a cloud-based application in 1999, little did he know about its ripple effect in the field of enterprise software. The idea was to move applications to the cloud, making them widely available for organizations of all shapes and sizes. The SaaS model […]

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Improving Global Microsoft Azure Performance with Aryaka
Improving Global Microsoft Azure Performance with Aryaka

We all know that in the world of the cloud-first digital enterprise, key business processes rely on network performance – if the network doesn’t deliver on the expected SLAs, there is direct impact on business results and employee productivity. A typical use case involves remote offices in distant geographies accessing application data that is stored […]

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