Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India
Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India

The world has become much smaller in the past few decades thanks to globalization. Globalization has long been a core driver for digital transformation for enterprises. Connecting offices, factories, and supply chains needs a digital-first mindset and infrastructure. With the pandemic’s end officially declared by the WHO [1] and the reopening of China, recent data […]

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SD-WAN overlay vs underlay: Fixing the Distorted View of WAN
SD-WAN overlay vs underlay: Fixing the Distorted View of WAN

Wikipedia defines a Fata Morgana as “significantly distorting the object or objects on which they are based, often such that the object is completely unrecognizable.” – in other words, a mirage. Reading through this excellent article on future network architectures earlier today, I started thinking about what that means for enterprise networking. If you have […]

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Culture and Connectivity as keys to success – Podcast featuring PvG Global
Culture and Connectivity as keys to success – Podcast featuring PvG Global

A 60-year young company with a rich history that was founded, formed and created on a belief that there was a better way to administer benefits at a lower cost without sacrificing quality. That is ProView Global or PvG global – an innovative company based out of the Philippines, that leverages deep domain expertise and […]

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Survey Says: Manufacturing Enterprises Are Globally Connected and Multi-Cloud Ready with Aryaka
Survey Says: Manufacturing Enterprises Are Globally Connected and Multi-Cloud Ready with Aryaka

Our manufacturing customers are a diverse bunch. From automatic test equipment, automotive  speakers and smart sensors to consumer-facing beauty products and sustainable packing solutions for the transportation of produce, our customers range across every vertical with headquarters, sites, manufacturing plants and a growing number of remote workers all over the world. When we recently surveyed […]

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Save Money and Reduce Complexity with Aryaka SmartServices Bundles and Promotions
Save Money and Reduce Complexity with Aryaka SmartServices Bundles and Promotions

At Aryaka, we are focused on making the life of IT decision-makers and practitioners easier. To be the easy button for enterprises when it comes to their WAN and Security needs. One way we do this is by making two promotional offers available that address two of the key findings from our recently published Global […]

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Key Considerations for Enterprise Connectivity

If you’ve been in IT for a while, you probably remember the days when your data and applications were housed in a data center that was close to the employees who used it. Those were the good old days, right? That’s all changed — and fast — as employees increasingly pursue flexible working arrangements and […]

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Why MPLS and Cloud Applications Don’t Mix

If you’re in charge of delivering and maintaining a global WAN, then you know the headache that this chart can induce. Why? Because legacy WAN connectivity approaches like MPLS do not address performance challenges for cloud and SaaS applications. This was not the case 20 years ago. In the past, these types of applications lived […]

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XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize
XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize

Starting with some perspective on the market, it is predicted that by 2020, 83% of all enterprise applications will be in the cloud. This isn’t surprising – in 2018, 50% of traffic on Aryaka was cloud and XaaS apps and that number is only increasing. The vast majority of prospects we speak to tell us […]

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The Four Barriers Between Your Business and Global Connectivity – And How to Break Them Down
The Four Barriers Between Your Business and Global Connectivity – And How to Break Them Down

Throughout 2018, many global enterprises turned to networking technologies such as software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) to cost-effectively meet burgeoning bandwidth demands without having to sacrifice simplified WAN management and better application performance. This trend will continue into 2019 as enterprises with a global presence embrace networking technologies such as SD-WAN as a key tool […]

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How Global Connectivity Impacts the Convergence of Information Technology and Operational Technology
How Global Connectivity Impacts the Convergence of Information Technology and Operational Technology

Previously, operational technology (OT) was isolated solely in the machines used for manufacturing, energy maintenance, and logistics. Though many of these tools for monitoring had digital controls, they were closed and not connected to a network. The Modern Advancement of Operational Technology (OT) Today, however, we are witnessing a convergence between information technology (IT) and […]

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CIOs: Is the Cloud driving you Crazy?
CIOs: Is the Cloud driving you Crazy?

Today’s CIOs face a number of heavy demands in building and managing a network for their global employees. Enabling workers to access cloud applications from anywhere, any time, on any device can be a difficult balancing act to manage. They need to make sure that application performance levels remain high and overall productivity never suffers, […]

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SD-WAN Security Best Practices for Multi-Cloud Connectivity
SD-WAN Security Best Practices for Multi-Cloud Connectivity

Cloud platforms and SaaS applications have created more connections across diverse locations, and global enterprises are finding that they require a defense in depth security strategy to protect their digital resources. So what strategies using SD-WAN can be applied to maintain best-in class security across a global network? Lightreading’s SecurityNow recently hosted a webinar with […]

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