Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India
Ensure reliable and secure connectivity to the world’s manufacturing hubs China and India

The world has become much smaller in the past few decades thanks to globalization. Globalization has long been a core driver for digital transformation for enterprises. Connecting offices, factories, and supply chains needs a digital-first mindset and infrastructure. With the pandemic’s end officially declared by the WHO [1] and the reopening of China, recent data […]

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Aryaka and 8×8
Aryaka and 8×8

Aryaka and 8×8: 1+1=3 Industry leaders team to enhance cloud communications performance across SD-WAN We’re happy to announce our partnership with 8×8 to enhance application performance and accelerate digital transformation by leveraging the combined capabilities of the 8×8 cloud communications platform and Aryaka’s cloud-first WAN. See the common theme? Both of our companies’ cloud-based services […]

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Choosing the Right SD-WAN for Your SaaS Connectivity

When Marc Benioff first came up with the idea of offering Salesforce.com as a cloud-based application in 1999, little did he know about its ripple effect in the field of enterprise software. The idea was to move applications to the cloud, making them widely available for organizations of all shapes and sizes. The SaaS model […]

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7 WAN Insights: How COVID-19 Changes Enterprise Network-Traffic-Patterns (Update)
7 WAN Insights: How COVID-19 Changes Enterprise Network-Traffic-Patterns (Update)

Some weeks ago, Paul and I published a quick analysis of how COVID-19 is impacting enterprise network-traffic-patterns. That blog was written when -at least for most of the Western world- the most crippling and limiting limitations started to be mandated by national and local governments. And so, three weeks later, I decided to look into […]

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Shift Gears on UCaaS with Aryaka SD-WAN as-a-Service
Shift Gears on UCaaS with Aryaka SD-WAN as-a-Service

What makes Unified Communications as a service, or UCaaS as it is more popularly known, such a no-brainer for industries worldwide? To answer that question; imagine a day with all your communication channels down. No voice/ video calls, no emails, no file sharing and absolutely zero collaboration. I call it…Vacation! But on a more serious […]

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Simplifying UCaaS Deployment over SD-WAN with Aryaka
Simplifying UCaaS Deployment over SD-WAN with Aryaka

Enterprises are adopting both UCaaS and SD-WAN solutions at a rapid pace, and many enterprises are adopting both technologies simultaneously. According to Gartner, by 2021, 90% of IT leaders will not purchase new premises-based UC solutions because cloud UC offerings are surging far ahead in terms of features, functions, portals, analytics and dashboards. As enterprises […]

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XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize
XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize

Starting with some perspective on the market, it is predicted that by 2020, 83% of all enterprise applications will be in the cloud. This isn’t surprising – in 2018, 50% of traffic on Aryaka was cloud and XaaS apps and that number is only increasing. The vast majority of prospects we speak to tell us […]

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UCaaS for India? There is a Way
UCaaS for India? There is a Way

Say you’re a US company that has a branch office (or many) in India and you want to be able to communicate with your team. Naturally, your first thought is to use Voice over IP for the flexibility and economy, or, instead of hosting that yourself, signing up with a provider offering Unified Communications as […]

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How Global SD-WAN Improves Video and Voice Performance Worldwide

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is an increasingly popular way to bundle the most critical communications and collaboration tools into one full-function platform, but if you have used UCaaS to support customers and partners overseas, chances are you have experienced: Poor quality voice connections Dropped calls Faltering video links General frustration UCaaS typically combines […]

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