WAN Optimization Solves App Delays for Global Equipment Supplier

If you rely on the Internet to support users around the world, you are likely frustrated by slow network speeds. Whether you’re in Kuala Lumpur or Kentucky, using the public Internet means your precious packets can get stacked up behind someone trying to download 20 of their favorite movies. The best way to address the […]

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How Aryaka Makes an Impact on the Remote and Mobile Workforce

Recently, 451 Research, took a look at Aryaka’s SmartACCESS, the first clientless SD-WAN for the remote and mobile workforce, and offered its take on the solution. Optimizing Application Performance over VPN Remote access has, historically, been a nightmare for enterprise end users and IT teams, especially in global deployments. Support tickets over connection complaints are […]

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The Surprising State of the WAN

Company research reports typically depend upon surveys of preselected customers (rather than random respondents) and lack any basis on real traffic analysis, thus making their results suspect. So when a research report is based on objective hard data, it’s worth taking notice – especially if there are surprising insights. Aryaka’s 2017 State of the WAN […]

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How Aryaka Gained Better Customer Satisfaction Over Telco Giants

What makes a great company? As author Jerry Fritz claims, it can’t be a great product or lower prices. Those two can be easily duplicated. What makes the most acclaimed companies stand out from the crowd is the how they treat their customers. Customer success is one of the best metrics for judging how a […]

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Global Application Performance is within Reach: A Tale of Three Successful Enterprises

Today’s corporate networks look like a bowl of spaghetti. They’re made up of headquarters, branch offices, private datacenters, cloud platforms, SaaS apps, centrally hosted applications, multiple MPLS providers, and appliances. These constructs are complicated to say the least. Clearly a platform is needed to pull together, accelerate, and manage all these moving parts — no […]

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3 Tips for Successful Office 365 Deployment for a Global Workforce

When global enterprises need 24/7 access to a SaaS product like Microsoft Office 365, a missed moment can make a massive difference to the bottom line. Office 365 is one of the most popular tools for global enterprise collaboration. Though it provides excellent solutions for file sharing, remote collaboration, email, and messaging, there can be […]

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How Partners Can Speed Up Customers’ Cloud and SaaS Applications

Large global enterprises are adopting cloud computing and SaaS applications at a faster rate than ever before. This means they need network connectivity that delivers applications as if they were installed on their own desktop. If you’re a master agent, VAR, technology consultant, or systems integrator looking to help your customers improve application delivery on […]

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Spiceworks “2017 State of IT Report” Sneak Peek Speaks Volumes

Looks like it is indeed “game on” for corporate IT pros and solution providers to get it right, or go home. According to the sneak peek blog from Spiceworks, their “2017 State of IT Report” will cite how cloud and SaaS applications are becoming increasingly more important for global corporations, and a crucial aspect for […]

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Latency and Application Performance: Are They Mutually Exclusive?

As principal architect at Aryaka, I meet with the IT teams of potential customers for in-depth discussions about how to enhance their global application performance and deliver a seamless user experience to their employees around the world. It’s a significant challenge today, when even mission-critical enterprise applications are commonly hosted in far-off cloud datacenters and […]

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