Why is Managed SD WAN a Better Approach than Build Your Own SD WAN?
Why is Managed SD WAN a Better Approach than Build Your Own SD WAN?

If your company is beginning to embark on a digital transformation journey, ultimately, you’ll have to confront the question of how to modernize the Wide Area Network (WAN) and ensure it is up to the task of supporting the transformation effort. Today, most organizations are concluding that Software Defined-WAN (SD-WAN) is the best way to […]

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What are the key differentiators between traditional telecom network solutions and cloud-first WAN?
What are the key differentiators between traditional telecom network solutions and cloud-first WAN?

What are the key differentiators between traditional telecom network solutions and cloud-first WAN? Traditional networks were not built for rapid change and were meant primarily for static environments. Traditional WAN solutions with MPLS brought in predictable network engineering but were not designed for moves and changes due to changing business demands. A Cloud-First approach is […]

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IT Leaders: Does Your Organization Need SD-WAN?

Our last post covered what a software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) is and what the market for them looks like moving forward. That leaves two big questions for you as an IT leader — “Is SD-WAN right for your organization?” and, if it is, “When should you make the switch?” Here, we’ll break down some of […]

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What CIOs Can Do To Plan For The Post-Pandemic Workplace
What CIOs Can Do To Plan For The Post-Pandemic Workplace

It is often said that work is not a place you go to but what you do. The pandemic has put a spotlight on all forms of work that can be done from anywhere other than the traditional office environment and forced a rethink of hybrid workplaces. Almost no industry is immune from the change […]

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What’s Driving SD-WAN Migration for Global Enterprises
What’s Driving SD-WAN Migration for Global Enterprises

Legacy WANs are unfit for the digital era. The public Internet continues to be plagued by congestion and reliability problems caused by exponential traffic growth, bandwidth-intensive applications, and expanding network complexities. MPLS was designed before the cloud and brings along with it high costs, inflexibility, and long deployment times. These deficiencies have given rise to […]

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Five Key Considerations When Using SD-WAN to Accelerate Office 365
Five Key Considerations When Using SD-WAN to Accelerate Office 365

Enterprises migrating to Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud-based offerings are learning the hard way that application performance varies wildly when end users are dispersed around the globe. Microsoft reports that more than 50% of its commercial Office customers are now in the cloud, and the company expects that number to jump to two-thirds this year. But global […]

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Demystifying NFV: Do We Know What We Have?
Demystifying NFV: Do We Know What We Have?

Have you ever had a chance to peek into a mountain climber’s backpack? You will find a whole gamut of gear ranging from carabiners and quickdraws, ropes, helmets, harnesses, nut tools, belay, and other protection devices. We’re talking tools that weigh anywhere between 20-30 pounds. Now, imaging scaling treacherous mountain roads with a bagful of […]

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Global SD-WAN vs Regional SD-WAN & Why Choose global WAN?
Global SD-WAN vs Regional SD-WAN & Why Choose global WAN?

Regional SD-WAN Over Internet Global SD-WAN Over Private Networks Software Defined-Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) are just what the doctor ordered to solve connectivity issues for global locations, but not all SD-WAN tools can adequately address global needs. In fact, the bulk of sdwan solutions were designed for regional deployments and will fail miserably if you […]

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Unless you’ve spent the last couple of years hibernating under a rock, it’s impossible for you to have escaped the buzz around Cloud, SD-WAN or Digital Transformation. Looking Up to the Cloud If you are a business, big or small, you are right in the middle of one of the biggest and most disruptive technology […]

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5 Best Practices for SD-WAN Security
5 Best Practices for SD-WAN Security

Securing IT resources within four walls is hard enough, but it’s a challenge of a different order when it comes to securing a WAN with links reaching around the world, provided by a range of service providers and supporting a mix of endpoint security appliances. The security picture gets even murkier when you bring in […]

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4 Reasons Why MPLS No Longer Serves Global Enterprises

Does the hub-and-spoke design of legacy WAN architecture adequately serve today’s global enterprises? We recently held a webinar with Andre Kindness, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research and Mark Baker, CIO of JAS Forwarding Worldwide to discuss reasons why MPLS no longer serves global enterprises (and offer solutions for what does). 1. The Internet isn’t Good […]

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SD-WAN Basics: What You Need to Know About the Growing Market

What are the top concerns for most organization leaders? Time and Money. However, you might not realize how much your network can impact both of those things. Enterprise wide-area networks (WAN) are the digital foundation of every organization. If you choose the wrong solution for your company’s needs, that foundation crumbles – meaning that it […]

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