The State of the Global Enterprise WAN 2015: 5 Trends for CIOs and Network Managers to Watch

Last week, we released our State of the Enterprise WAN Report 2015. This year’s report investigates key factors impacting the evolution of the enterprise WAN, including the ongoing migration of applications to the cloud, the limitations of the public Internet over long distances, and the impact of networking problems on application performance. Here’s a glimpse […]

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The State of the Enterprise WAN 2015

Aryaka finds that the public Internet is not ready to support mission-critical enterprise traffic The State of the Enterprise WAN in 2015 is mixed. While certain components of the enterprise WAN are improving, other factors are actually hindering the enterprise’s ability to conduct business over the Internet, especially when application traffic must travel over long […]

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The antidote to vendor-lock: Shared Success

Most people do not trust sales professionals. In my line of business, we deal directly with CIOs, Network and IT Directors, and Application Managers. In my conversations with them, they express how suspicious they are of vendors that are trying to sell them solutions for their network connectivity and application performance needs. At Aryaka, we play […]

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WANnovation at Aryaka – Software Defined Networking and Virtualized Network Functions

In the past couple of years, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) have taken the networking industry by storm, and every vendor and service provider wants to stake their claim in these emerging spaces. The goal of SDN is to simplify networking by allowing network administrators to manage network services through abstracting […]

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With new funding, we’re disrupting enterprise networking for good

We have exciting news to share today: Aryaka has raised $16 million in new funding from top-tier Venture Capital firms Nexus Venture Partners (lead), Trinity Ventures, InterWest Partners, Mohr Davidow Ventures, and Presidio Ventures. Our new funding marks a major milestone. Over the past 6 years, we’ve been helping businesses, big and small, cope with […]

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What your CDN provider doesn’t want you to know…

Content Delivery Networks have been around for almost 20 years now. Depending on how you look at it, that fact could be a good thing or a bad thing. The good: it’s a tested and proven technology. The bad (and what CDN providers don’t want you to know): it’s not a technology designed for today’s […]

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SaaS Sidekicks and how they enhance product value

Remember Batman and Robin? Of course you do. Every person who’s ever owned a television or read comics most likely knows Batman and Robin. Together, the team solved innumerable cases and successfully got through many close calls against the bad guys. Batman, however, was always the star of the show. Robin, though crucial to the success […]

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Buyer’s Checklist for WAN Optimization

Purchase decisions are never easy with the information one has access to, these days. Right from a new phone to an entire global networking strategy, the savvy consumer researches, validates, checks reviews and then buys. Considering the lead times and price points, network infrastructure purchase decisions are of the worst kind. They are usually not […]

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Why the Internet still fails most businesses

Enterprise-class services like WAN Optimization and CDNs have widened the divide between large enterprises and small business, but there’s one technology that promises to change that.  We’ve all read a forest’s worth of stories on how the Internet is changing business. Because of the Internet, we can interact with people an ocean away as easy […]

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5 Common Myths about CDNs that Clog your Content

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) have been around since the late 90’s and are already a key component of IT strategy when it comes to video streaming, social media, and retail/e-commerce. CDNs have certainly evolved from their beginnings in 1997. Traditional CDNs were built for a read-only web. They relied on centralized DNS servers combined with […]

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Pluto Cloud Services CEO speaks out against MPLS and traditional WAN opt

The status quo is failing companies worldwide, and Pluto Cloud Services is ready to help them change By Larry Chaffin, Chairman and CEO, Pluto Cloud Services My company had always been selling telco carrier MPLS and WAN acceleration appliances to our customers. It was a good fit, did its job and was accepted by companies as […]

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Patent Recognition

Judging from recent headlines, the WAN Optimization market is in a state of upheaval. With Riverbed fending off activist investor Elliott Management and Riverbed and Silver Peak embroiled in a patent dispute, it seems like the WAN Optimization market is in a state of crisis. It is, but not in the way you think. The […]

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