Is it really true that “no one gets fired for buying AT&T?”

Not for long: a look at the disruptive forces upending the networking status quo – and why you won’t hear about those forces from the incumbent telecom providers: Collaboration is key to the success of any global business. With the uptick in outsourcing over the past few years, many large and mid-sized companies are setting […]

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SD-WAN Lost My Voice – And Aryaka Found It

Voice and video are notoriously problematic for enterprises looking to connect their offices and remote users around the globe – a problem that grows in each passing year as businesses continue to globalize. In a recent article in Network World, Steve Garson of SD-WAN Experts discussed the tricky business of ensuring high-performance, business-class voice (and, […]

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How a Clientless SD-WAN Solved PSP Corp.’s VPN and Remote Access Problems

If your organization is increasing its global footprint, operating out of remote locations, or is experiencing a sizeable number of employees accessing the corporate data center with remote access, chances are you are already witnessing a surge in number of VPN gateways and concentrators within your enterprise network. In the past, the biggest concerns for […]

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Top 5 Takeaways from Aryaka’s State of the WAN Report

Last month, we released our third annual State of the WAN report, detailing major trends in WAN traffic growth and application response times over the public Internet over the last year. The report returned several important findings – some surprising and others confirming trends that have been a long time in the making. By aggregating, […]

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The Surprising State of the WAN

Company research reports typically depend upon surveys of preselected customers (rather than random respondents) and lack any basis on real traffic analysis, thus making their results suspect. So when a research report is based on objective hard data, it’s worth taking notice – especially if there are surprising insights. Aryaka’s 2017 State of the WAN […]

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Buyer Beware: The Pain of DIY SD-WAN

One of the key appeals of SD-WAN is that it can take a pool of disparate connections from different vendors and make them act like a big, high-quality link. Using multiple connectivity vendors is optional, but it’s often desirable for reasons of economy, resilience, and availability. Economy: The Price is Right? The ability to bind […]

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Is WAN Traffic Growth the New Moore’s Law?

Percentage Growth in Global WAN Traffic: 2015-2016 Moore’s Law has dominated thinking in Silicon Valley for more than fifty years. It suggests that computer processing power would double every two years. And while some technology analysts claim that Moore’s Law is dead or dying, it is quite possible the context is merely shifting. We may […]

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How Aryaka Gained Better Customer Satisfaction Over Telco Giants

What makes a great company? As author Jerry Fritz claims, it can’t be a great product or lower prices. Those two can be easily duplicated. What makes the most acclaimed companies stand out from the crowd is the how they treat their customers. Customer success is one of the best metrics for judging how a […]

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Why Global Enterprises Need a Global SD-WAN…but Don’t Need MPLS

SD-WANs can simplify life for a global IT organization, making it easier to spin up new branches anywhere in the world and securely deliver a consistent set of WAN and IT services without waiting for an MPLS connection to be provisioned. Instead, either initially or permanently, new locations can be brought up by using whatever […]

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Why the Enterprise WAN Needs Disruption

Global enterprises can no longer depend on legacy networks like MPLS to achieve the same results that they saw even five years ago. Cloud platforms and SaaS applications are becoming standard for the enterprise, which is leaving the capabilities and usefulness of MPLS to diminish. This is why master agents, VARs, technology consultants, and systems […]

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Global Application Performance is within Reach: A Tale of Three Successful Enterprises

Today’s corporate networks look like a bowl of spaghetti. They’re made up of headquarters, branch offices, private datacenters, cloud platforms, SaaS apps, centrally hosted applications, multiple MPLS providers, and appliances. These constructs are complicated to say the least. Clearly a platform is needed to pull together, accelerate, and manage all these moving parts — no […]

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What if You Could Software-Define MPLS?

What if your MPLS could: Be deployed in hours or days through one single provider? Provide seamless access to cloud and SaaS applications, along with private connectivity to the branch office or data center? Include WAN Optimization within the network, so that applications run faster and save on bandwidth over the network? You would be […]

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