5 Reasons SD-WAN is Critical for Global Airlines like Air China

Industry experts believe that old legacy systems are unable to handle the exponential surge in passenger volume, fleet sizes, along with increasing customer expectations and global expansion of airline companies. For the airlines industry, the importance of global network connectivity ranges from business- to mission-critical. When network connectivity is lost or application performance is impacted, […]

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MPLS: “Don’t write me off yet”
MPLS: “Don’t write me off yet”

A few days ago, I re-watched the movie “Music and Lyrics”. There is an extremely cheesy song Hugh Grant sings at some point in the movie, titled “Don’t write me off yet”. I thought that if MPLS somehow could compete in “The Masked Singer”, it would most definitely pick “Don’t write me off yet” as […]

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What is MPLS network & How MPLS Works? : All You Need To Know
What is MPLS network & How MPLS Works? : All You Need To Know

What is MPLS? Contrary to popular belief, MPLS is not a type of internet connection, but an encapsulation and switching technique. Designed and deployed in a hub-and-spoke technology, MPLS backhauls the branch traffic to the cloud via a centralized data center or the headquarters. Why use MPLS Networks? In many ways, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) […]

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How SD-WAN as a Service Overcomes MPLS Limitations
How SD-WAN as a Service Overcomes MPLS Limitations

Although MPLS has served the enterprise well for years, it can no longer adequately meet the demands of global enterprises. Over 50% of enterprise WAN traffic now involves cloud. MPLS was designed before the cloud era, for point-to-point connections. But there are also other limitations: No single provider can deliver MPLS end-to-end around the world. […]

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Can a Global SD-WAN Replace MPLS Connectivity?

Recently, Aryaka held a webinar on Choosing an SD-WAN for Global Enterprise Applications. According to IDC, the SD-WAN market is expected to reach $1.19 billion, as enterprises are looking to solve global network challenges created by the increase in mobile users, globalization, and especially the migration of mission-critical applications moving to the cloud. However, a […]

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3 Secrets You Won’t Hear From MPLS Providers

There is an optimum solution for today’s cloud-fueled, mobile world, but MPLS providers aren’t interested in telling you what it is. Cassette tapes. Flip-phones. Fax Machines. And now, MPLS. Decades ago, MPLS was the gold standard in secure WAN technology — an innovative, powerful means of helping businesses and their employees stay connected. But the […]

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Why You Need to Stop Buying MPLS Now

Every contract ends sometime, and it’s possible that one of your MPLS contracts is ending soon. Before you settle for spending another several months or years on a “good enough” legacy solution, consider phasing out your network for a better option. What’s Wrong with MPLS MPLS is a dated technology that was created for an […]

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Moving Beyond MPLS: A Global SD-WAN is the Future of the Digital-First Enterprise

“Organizations with digital-ready networks are realizing two to three times the revenue growth as compared to organizations whose digital initiatives are resting on legacy networks.” -Nikhil Batra, Senior Research Manager, AP Telecom Practice, IDC Asia/Pacific Every organization that has begun or plans to embark on a digital transformation journey needs to undergo a network transformation […]

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MPLS: Massive, Painful Layoffs (in) Store?

What do the numbers 4000 and 1100 have to do with your enterprise WAN? Those are the number of layoffs taking place at British Telecom and Cisco. Along with a big layoff at Riverbed (a WAN Optimization company) just a few years ago, these layoffs are a sign of the turning tide against MPLS, which […]

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The Sunset of MPLS

Is MPLS sunsetting? The signs have, increasingly, been pointing to “yes.” Though this legacy technology was useful and groundbreaking in its time, evidence continues to mount that it can no longer serve the needs of today’s global enterprises. For example, at Aryaka, we recently released a report, looking at data from over 5000 locations in […]

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Why Global Enterprises Need a Global SD-WAN…but Don’t Need MPLS

SD-WANs can simplify life for a global IT organization, making it easier to spin up new branches anywhere in the world and securely deliver a consistent set of WAN and IT services without waiting for an MPLS connection to be provisioned. Instead, either initially or permanently, new locations can be brought up by using whatever […]

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Why the Enterprise WAN Needs Disruption

Global enterprises can no longer depend on legacy networks like MPLS to achieve the same results that they saw even five years ago. Cloud platforms and SaaS applications are becoming standard for the enterprise, which is leaving the capabilities and usefulness of MPLS to diminish. This is why master agents, VARs, technology consultants, and systems […]

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