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Announcing a Business Productivity Solution for the Global Telecommuter Enabled by Aryaka’s Secure Remote Access

Announcing a Business Productivity Solution for the Global Telecommuter Enabled by Aryaka’s Secure Remote Access

Posted on February 19, 2020 By Syed Ghayur

In the current environment, many companies are mandating people to work from home in the Asia Pacific Region. In this digital age, working from home is a normal phenomenon. Thanks to Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions, you[...]
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Network Visibility: In a fix? Fix it!

Network Visibility: In a fix? Fix it!

Posted on February 11, 2020 By Aryaka

The cloud-delivered services that your business thrives on are susceptible to multiple performance-impacting elements sitting in your network. While most businesses are well-versed with the basic concept of network management, what is the ‘secret sauce’ that makes[...]
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8 DIY Pitfalls Aryaka’s SD-WAN as-a-Service Eliminates | Blog

8 DIY Pitfalls Aryaka’s SD-WAN as-a-Service Eliminates | Blog

Posted on February 6, 2020 By David Ginsburg

Are you walking the tightrope trying to orchestrate the daily management of your MPLS or hybrid networks around the world? As enterprises move applications to the cloud, they face challenges finding reliable and scalable WAN solutions capable[...]
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Shift Gears on UCaaS with Aryaka SD-WAN as-a-Service

Shift Gears on UCaaS with Aryaka SD-WAN as-a-Service

Posted on January 21, 2020 By Aryaka

What makes Unified Communications as a service, or UCaaS as it is more popularly known, such a no-brainer for industries worldwide? To answer that question; imagine a day with all your communication channels down. No voice/ video[...]
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Embracing DevOps with Aryaka Cloud-First WAN

Embracing DevOps with Aryaka Cloud-First WAN

Posted on January 14, 2020 By Paul Liesenberg

In a previous blog, I wrote about network engineers playing second fiddles (never mind that I mentioned Leonard Bernstein’s New York and Vienna Philharmonics!) and if you check my LinkedIn, it got me some scorn from some[...]
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Three Ways to Improve Availability of First Mile and Last Mile Over the Internet

Three Ways to Improve Availability of First Mile and Last Mile Over the Internet

Posted on January 7, 2020 By Arun Natarajan

The Internet as transport is becoming popular for the first and last mile enterprise WAN connectivity. The significant factors motivating this transition are the cost of MPLS circuits, the improving quality of broadband internet links, and the emergence of[...]
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3 Reasons to consider Aryaka’s SmartCDN for your Global Business

Posted on January 2, 2020 By Vikas Garg

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) market continues to evolve as new technologies and startups force change upon the landscape, and it seems there is no end in sight to the disruptions. Startups are introducing new ways of[...]
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5 Common Myths about WAN Optimization that Slow your Business

5 Common Myths about WAN Optimization that Slow your Business

Posted on December 6, 2019 By Patrick Chen

There was a time when a top goal of IT was to improve application and data delivery by implementing WAN optimization appliances. Traditional WAN optimization devices provided tremendous value for legacy networks by reducing bandwidth requirements and[...]
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When Gartner Declares You a Visionary Company – What Do You Do Next?

When Gartner Declares You a Visionary Company – What Do You Do Next?

Posted on December 4, 2019 By Paul Liesenberg and Klaus Schwegler

We are thrilled to be named a Visionary in Gartner’s 2019 Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure. Aryaka was founded in 2009 by a group of visionary entrepreneurs who foresaw the importance of a managed wide area[...]
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The thing about Cloud-First WAN – What you need to know

The thing about Cloud-First WAN – What you need to know

Posted on November 18, 2019 By Shashi Kiran

Today we are announcing a major refresh and expansion of the Aryaka managed SD-WAN portfolio designed to meet the needs of the Cloud-First enterprise. The new offerings cover areas of connectivity, application acceleration, cloud, security and analytics,[...]
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Migrating to Azure? The network is critical to deployment success

Posted on November 6, 2019 By Sindhu Kolluru

Microsoft enterprise customers are migrating to the company’s Azure cloud computing platform in droves, with the company reporting 98% year-over-year revenue growth in its second fiscal quarter of 2018. The appeal is clear. Enterprise shops want to[...]
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Hype vs Reality: Top 5 SD-WAN Myths Busted!

Posted on November 4, 2019 By Mouli Radhakrishnan

Most of what’s written about SD-WAN discusses the technology’s potential to transform network connectivity by making networks more agile, flexible, and cost-effective for both enterprises and service providers. The truth is, while this technology delivers many benefits[...]
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